Mid cycle lab report


Well-known member
Hello brethren. I just wanted to circle back and report on my progress/lab results. So far things have been feeling well on my first cycle. I have been running Test C 500mg each week (250mg every 3.5 days), with arimidex every 3.5days as well, and I also ended up jump starting with anavar as well now completed. I continue to feel strong most days in the gym. It’s tough to stay mentally in it at all times as a medical student, but I make due and commit to my gym time. I got labs a couple of weeks ago and wanted to run them by all of you. I was unsure at what levels I should be expecting my total testosterone to be at so here’s the results.

Total Serum Tesosterone 1659, up from 307 pre-cycle
Estradiol 27 (within normal limits) up from 11.7 pre-cycle

I just wanted to know if these are appropriate levels to be at considering the cycle that I’m on, since I’m a newbie. Thanks again goes out to @Optumpharma for the gear.

Thanks as always for the help and camaraderie.
I’ll let OP chime In when he wakes up… but it looks good. Especially from where your test was. Some will probably say you could get your levels higher, mine was 2200 mid cycle.

The “ideal” ratio of test/estrogen per the text book is 10:1. However, especially in this area we have to pay attention to the “patient” and not the paper. So if you feel good, and you are reaching your goals, then that’s what matters.

307 is usually low enough to start full time TRT.

Keep your head up in school. Your discipline in the gym will pay off in class…

Then always listen to your nurses. 😉
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