My Labs From Fasted Blood Work


Staff member
I’m just going to post my A1c. It came down a bit which is always good. Fasted glucose is 126. PSA is .78.

The rest is ok. Nothing out of the ordinary for an old man.

Got put on some light arthritis meds… my hands are in bad shape some days. Today being one of them.

My ozempic got upped also.
Anything below 4 is considered OK. Below 3, good, below 2, very good, below 1, awesome. Not dispositive of the absence of prostate cancer, but one significant market. I will also say that the velocity of change of PSA receives a lot of focus these days. Going from a 1 to a 3 in a month or two, for example, is a very bad sign, though in my case, it was the result of an infection, not cancer.
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Absofuckinglutely. Prostate cancer is easy to kill if caught early. Messy and potentially lethal if caught late. Even if they cure it when caught late, the shit they have to do to you will not leave you happy.