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NapsGear AMA - Chris Tuttle : Episode 54: How hard do Pros actually train?


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In this episode, Chris Tuttle answers the following questions:

1)I’m 45, been lifting 22 years naturally and 4 years of gymnastics/bodyweight training. I’ve always known the day would come when to continue to train I’d need some gear. Since gymnastics skills is my main focus I’m not looking for anymore size just recovery and most importantly joint health. What would be a good AAS and or HGH protocol? 45yrs/6/200lbs/12�- asked by Z-STATIC

2)Hello Chris any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated, i recently had emergency foot surgery and im wondering if high levels of testosterone will help or hinder me in my recovery as far as my wound healing time, I have tried to find this out but have gotten conflicting results, Again any help would be appreciated, Thanks - asked by Big Scott

3)Hey Chris, thanks an advance, one question if you don’t follow a PCT after you cycle it’s possible to recover naturally? It’s been two years after I come off from my last cycle, my test is 400 from the lab work that I did. I pay for a physician specialist in TRT, he said that I fuck up and i have to do a PCT now even after two years of my cycle to see if I can produce my own testosterone, he told me to do 1000u HCG 3 times a week and 25 clomid every night for three weeks and check for test lab again if see if I was recovering. If not I have to do TRT for the rest of my life. I’m currently 31 years old. Stay strong Chris thanks for sharing your knowledge. asked by AlexMalvil

4)Hi guys, love your work and thank you for educating us, really appreciate it. How hard do pros actually train? are you guys doing all out sets like to completely TRUELY failure where it hurts so bad from the blood? like dorian yates failure? thank you for your time asked by Iloveroids

5)Hi guys, for someone who doesn’t compete but likes to stay relative lean year round and adding on size slowly, would you recommend a low dose of AAS and longer cycles and when i want to lean up ill throw in a bit of cutting compounds vs blasting high dose short cycles (10-16 weeks)) then PCT. Thank you for your time and really appreciate what you guys are doing for the community. Age-28Weight 80kgBF-9-10%Height - 5’10MaleCurrent cycle: 180mg test e, 180mg EQ, 20mg Proviron-asked by overrids

CLICK HERE to view the AMA Episode.

About NapsGear IFBB Pro AMA

NapsGear’s IFBB Pro AMA (Ask Me Anything) offers our customers the opportunity to ask the hard questions and actually receive a credentialed and qualified answer. Who better to get your bodybuilding and fitness advice from than an IFBB Pro?! NapsGear is proud to introduce our IFBB Pro leaders: Evan Centopani, Chris Tuttle, Milos Sarcev!

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