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NapsGear AMA - Evan Centopani : Episode 40: Oral Steroids with Hepatitis


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In this episode, Evan Centopani answers the following questions:

1)Hey Evan.I’m a Hepatitis C positive athlete. Currently in the process of getting the cure thankfully.I’m well aware of the risk I take in using oral compounds in my cycles and tend to avoid heavy doses at all costs. However I’m not sure about different injectable compounds and how they may affect my liver and what possible long term problems they may cause. Can you shed some light on any injectable and even oral compounds I should avoid at all costs and anything else that may help me to mitigate any lasting problems I may face down the road? I know different supplements like N2Guard and Liv52 are recommended by a lot of men and women and I use them every cycle, but is there anything else that you can recommend from experience that will help me protect myself.? I don’t want to have to give up bodybuilding because I used/ over used a compound/s that I shouldn’t have to begin with and now my liver is totally jacked, my current cycle is:Sus250-500mg weekly. 1ml Monday/Friday.NPP-400mg weekly. M/W/FEQ- 600mg. 1ml M/Ffor 15 weeks followed by a pct.(Considered a small anadrol jump but decided not to push more than 3 compounds) - asked by G_w

2)Describe the best pizza that could ever be made.- asked by I don’t eat pickles

3)I’ve never taken PEDs before and am curious if taking an EQ is necessary with a Test. I’m not stranger to working out and fitness, I’ve been all natural training for years but I’m looking to elevate myself and heal past injuries. I’m looking to start Anavar and am needing a little guidance as to what to stack with it. I’m 32 years old and was curious if taking a Test supp was necessary when taking anavar? - asked by Guffey

4)How many milligrams of test do your cycles typically consist of? Also how long are you running if for on average? - asked by Donato

CLICK HERE to view the AMA Episode.

About NapsGear IFBB Pro AMA

NapsGear’s IFBB Pro AMA (Ask Me Anything) offers our customers the opportunity to ask the hard questions and actually receive a credentialed and qualified answer. Who better to get your bodybuilding and fitness advice from than an IFBB Pro?! NapsGear is proud to introduce our IFBB Pro leaders: Evan Centopani, Chris Tuttle, Milos Sarcev!

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