Need some advice and knowledge


Been running low dosages of test and npp for the better part of 2 years now… 500 mg test and 300 mg of npp… never claimed to be the smartest, when I was still a competitive lifter I just went with what my body responded well to. I’m not looking to come off test, as I have been cruising on it for a decade now, but I do need to cut the NPP out for a while… what would be the best way to cut the NPP out and go back to test only?

NPP has such a short ester that you could likely drop it without too much worry of ill side effects BUT the fact that you’ve been running it for so long makes me think a decent taper would be ideal.

Something like dropping 50mg a week every 2 to 3 weeks until you reach zero. That’s my .02 but I’m sure others will likely chime in.
I know short esters “shouldn’t” be a issue, but running something for 2 years, I would think the body has adapted a tolerance for it, so tapering like @Ironside stated makes the most sense, to my mind…