Never got around to intro


Well-known member
Alright so I see a bunch of intros and realized I never introduced myself… I’m 32 years old-5’10” 175 lbs… I have been workin out steadily now for a little over 5 years… I was in the Marine Corps for a while back when I was in my early 20’s… Had cancer shortly after the Marines… so I didn’t work out for about 3-4 years… I was down to 120 lbs after all the chemo and radiation… Once I was better and healthy I started hittin the gym regularly and gym is pretty much life now! Glad to be here and am open to any and all knowledge i can gain! Thanks for having me!
Welcome to the UGM family brotha! Ty for your service and glad to hear you are doing better! Anything you need we are here to help :facepunch:t2:
Semper fi! I was a Legal Admin… I had some tickets and alcohol charges and had to get a waiver to join and had to go in as an open contract… i wanted to go 0311 but didn’t get to… I was in camp Johnson for a while and ended up back at Pendleton