New Cycle Hoping for some Gains

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Well Just started my 3 rd cycle.500mg test and 200mg NPP for 10 weeks …Well this is my 3rd cye where I actually add something else which is npp…I chose that for reasons…I am one who like to start off small then more on the next…So my cycle is 10 weeks of 500mg Test ,200 mg of Npp and 12.5 Aromosin twice a week…I am hoping to see some gains
Agreed, I think upping the NPP dose a bit would be beneficial, unless you just want it for some joint relief or something.

But regardless, even if you left dosing as is there should be good gains on the table. Get some calories in, train hard, sleep hard, stay hard (🤔🤷‍♂️🍆)
Agree with @Kad1 and would up NPP to at least 300. I’m fairly conservative, as well. That being said, I might actually stretch that cycle out to at least 12 weeks, but that’s just my opinion.
Are you prone to estro sides cause that seems a bit much ai for that much test. I’m not low body fat and that’s about what I use when on a g of test
I haven’t had gyno issues physically but my bloodwork on 2 cycles if test e 500mg a wk shows my estrogen was high…So adding NPP I am sure it will go even higher…So I figure 12.5 mg at twice a week to keep it stable but still enough to keep estrogen for the gains
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