New Member Introduction


Active member
I’m new to the forum. Every breath,
every rep and every set - all for God’s glory! All I really want to do is serve God.

I just turned 52 last month, and I’ve been married for almost 19 years. We have a son who just entered into his teen years. My doctor recently prescribed TRT. They had to teach me how to inject myself, which is something I never thought I’d do.

I absolutely love training! It really helps me feel I’ve accomplished something meaningful. This feeling is enhanced when I help the “kids” in the gym understand how to train properly. I am grateful for any chance to impart wisdom to them.

Even so, I am making the transition from gym membership to a garage gym so I can spend more time with my family… I’m also hopeful that my son will get bit with the irom bug.

With that, my equipment is currently spread out between our basement and a 16x20 shed. At home I can squat, bench (including incline and decline), deadlift and OHP in my small basement. I’m extremely blessed to be able to do that! Hopefully we’ll be able to afford to build a garage in the next two years.

I’ve been trying to focus on my legs for the last three years. I was formally coached at a power lifting gym last year, and my technique definitely improved. I’m my shed I have a plate loaded squat machine, a single and a lying leg curl, plus a leg extension. My legs still suck, but Craigslist has amazing deals if you’re patient.

This is an amazing forum! I actually feel at home here. Based on what I have read, there are some very talented and committed people contributing. I hope to measure up.
Glad to have you around brother
I myself have a home gym and I will say that legs is a challenge with just the few things available to me but I have got enough used equipment over time through different sites to have a solid set up. I was surprised that some people just want you to haul it away.
Welcome to UGM hit me up anytime
Thank you Sir- I appreciate that. I will do my best to read older posts first, before I ask 😁
It just may take awhile before I get up to speed.
Haha - they do have their drawbacks. It was in the low 90’s with high humidity yesterday. That’s great if you want a sauna, but challenging if you really want to kill a workout.
Thank you Sir! I received my order from you last week. I’ve already recommended you to two people. Being completely honest, I had to step back and think about why everything was unmarked. So you can probably imaging that taking the first (unlabeled) capsule was a huge leap of faith on my part. That being said, I want to THANK YOU for what you are doing. I received exactly what I need and everything is working as anticipated.
I haven’t come across anything free yet, but there are good deals out there. I bought a Glute Ham Device for $70 Saturday. Gotta Grow!