New to Winstrol... trusted sites

I have been recommended to try on Winstrol. I am new to this and be doing a lot of researching. Was wondering if anyone had any information on them as well as trusted sites to get them.

As John made mention, I advise making a proper introduction and doing a little research on your own. No one is going to tell you to go to a certain source and no one will likely tell you what said sources carry.

Welcome to the board though. I hope you stick around to learn a few things before just jumping into using PEDS and AAS.

Learn to eat properly and workout properly before ever going this route. It really isn’t for beginners.
thanks bro… i have done alot of research… there is a difference between researching things and people talking to you and asking questions and having conversation with people… I appreciate the feedback though.
i have done alot of resarch on my own… and thats why i am here to learn… I have been working out for awhile and my nutrition is good as well. just looking at other options that are out there… not trying to jump into anything im not ready for… which is the reason i am asking questions
I didn’t mention anything about research or just talking to people, you straight up are new to the sight, and asked for a source in your first post, which is why I brought up the introduction thing…
Can you give us some stats? Age. Weight. BF. How long you’ve been pushing steel? What are your goals? Stuff like that. When I came on here I said hello. Sent a picture. The above info. My experience and some advise on certain things. There are sites here that are good. And I mean all things. To include PEDs. Everyone here will help. But got to build a bit of trust. Once you do that, you can pretty much ask anything. And someone will help or tell you they don’t know. Welcome aboard, and hope you read through some of the posts. You might find everything you need. 😁