Newbie, to gear and site looking for advice


Well-known member
Hey all, love the site so far, I’m 41 about 260, could stand to lose a few pounds but am more concerned with adding some beef right now.
Thought I tried gear in the past to find out I got scammed, so lesson learned, and glad I found this place, but I digress.
I take 100mg c test weekly prescribed, what would you all suggest for my first cycle??? I’m open to trying anything, was thinking a deca/test cycle, but afraid of the dreaded deca d*ck.
Welcome and hows your diet and training? Body fat etc. I only ask bc people waaaaay smarter than me are gonna want to know. And beef adding isn’t a clear goal for them to help peace bro
How long have you been on TRT?
260lbs, i’m guessing over weight? How’s that diet coming?
How long have you been been working out?

Honestly man, I’d work at getting that bf% down before i’d start any cycles.
Get your diet in check and go from there…
Adding gear to an over weight body, you won’t actually see any changes.

Deca-dick is just bro-talk. That’s what happens when you don’t know how to properly take care of yourself.
I’m a bit overweight at the moment, I have my diet dialed in now, working on 2.5k calories, 210 gram protein daily, rest of the calories from veggies with carbs in the am via a healthy dose of oatmeal.

I’d like to up my strength right now and put on some muscle, I’m about 35 pounds overweight at the moment, but not looking to slim down just yet.

In the past I’ve been a solid 220, it’s about as good as I’ve gotten naturally, been on test for almost 2yrs, gained bodyfat when my knees started giving me trouble and the cardio kinda went to the wayside.

Been lifting since 13, so have a few years under my belt, and honestly don’t mind where I’m sitting with my body fat right now for the time being.
I did read deca is good for joint relief and am kinda leaning toward that atm, would be nice to squat and deadlift with a little less joint pain.
Aa few guys here run low doses of deca to help with their joints. They can chime in on that.
I’m with @Ominous, I’d only run 4-500mg of test a week as a first cycle. That way as you progress you’ll always have something to compare to, it’ll help keep you grounded and maintain reasonable expectations.
If you’re 30-40 lbs overweight and have joint pain when you work out I would suggest losing that weight before you do anything else. I know it sucks I’m doing the same thing now. Cut your calories down to 2000 or less depending on daily activity and exercise. Maybe up you test to 200mg/week. The more you use it’s just gonna convert to estrogen. Adipose fat contains Aromatase (the enzyme that converts test to estrogen).
My knees went to hell before I added weight. I used to walk 12-15 miles a day for work (postman) before getting into management due to my knees. I was always ripped doing that, till I started getting pain behind my kneecaps that now causes my calves to harden up and cramp, been to specialists, dr’s and they just send you to PT, did that with no improvement, used to have to stick my knees in the snow Banks during the route to cool them off they’d get so warm.
I’m definitely going to lose some fat as I know I need too, I live in a very rural area, so trying to find cardio that doesn’t kill them is hard, wish we had a public pool, as swimming seems to be the best and I don’t have to ice my knees constantly.
For my TRT, not sure where you all get your pinning equipment, but I’ve found my local farming supplier has great prices and a good supply, also I have horses and animals to buy for so it’s nice having a one stop shop.
Hey bud, look into some hgh, if not that then maybe ipamorelin with cjc1295. Its hell on joints repair and burning fat. I love it and my wife does to, as far as building muscle, for me nah, but it definitely improves healing and repair, it’s a peptide, the only 1 I find to work