Next Cycle - Anavar!?


So just finishing up a cycle and am looking forward to the next one. This will have been my 4th cycle so still feeling new to the world of AAS.

My first cycle was of course just testosterone, slightly above TRT dosage.

Second cycle 400 mg Test C, 400 mg Deca

Third cycle 500 mg Test, 350 mg Tren A, 350mg Mast E.

This cycle 500 Mg Test E, 600 mg EQ (16 weeks) and 400 mg NPP (for the first 8 weeks)

All cycles except my last one with EQ I used arimidex .5 mg 2x per week. With the EQ my estrogen stayed right where it need too with no AI. I also keep Caber on hand just in case, but I don’t think I’ve ran a cycle that would cause me to need to use it. I also am going to be on TRT forever, so I haven’t used any PCT.

My goals are always to gain lean mass, my diet consists of High amounts of lean protein, moderate carbs, and low fat. I try to reach around 3000 calories daily

On my next cycle, I’m really wanting, and going to, use Anavar. Having never used this I would like to know some more info about length of use, other compounds to stack with, and people’s experiences with it. My fiancé recently ran a 6 week Anavar only cycle, 10mg split per day, and she has had amazing results. I’m looking forward to trying this one out. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, or any critiques of my past cycles too. Thanks :+1:t2:
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My opinion but don’t run anavar with tren it gets over shadowed learned that quick. That’s about all the info I can give because I’ve been on tren while running it. I’m sure it’s doing something but dropped it do to not even noticing it.
I have and I’m hooked. I did leave out the part of my deca run where I started to run tren with it. I brought it up in here and got some strong advise against it lol, but I did learn a lot from that discussion, so I’m glad I brought it up
What do y’all think about this:
Not much different, but may be what I’m looking for:

6 weeks-
500mg Test C
500mg NPP
50mg ED DBol injectable (not sure on length for this, recommendations?)
40mg daily split Anavar

Also thinking, can I run EQ alongside this, then cruise on it for 8-10 weeks after this main cycle is over?
My opinion is that this is one of the best cycles that you can run but I would run tbol over dbol and I would run for 15wks but run every compound a specific way.

My recommendation is
1-15wks test cyp 400-600mg split 2x a wk or micro dose?
1-12wk npp 300-450mg 150mg mwf or micro dose
1-6wk tbol 40-50mg split 2x a day
1-17 proviron 50mg split ed

This cycle run with a correct diet can get you to any goal you are trying to reach weather it’s cutting or bulking. The proviron is important in this cycle because of the extra 20% of estrogen from the nandrolone and you want to get the most out of the testosterone cypionate and the proviron will give you the free testosterone you are looking for and then I would use adex or aromasin and caber on hand if needed.
I would run the testosterone longer than the npp because nandrolone stays in the body longer than testosterone so I like to keep running testosterone after stopping nandrolone or even tapering off of testosterone is a great idea to get the most out of the cycle. You will continue to make gains from the compounds a couple of weeks after your last injection and then since you ran the testosterone longer you should be able to have an easier pct once you come off.

I would for this cycle choose tbol over anavar. Your goals are for lean mass and with the diet plan you have the npp will allow you to cut and gain a good amount of lean mass. I believe that tbol will get you more lean mass than anavar because unless I missed it your diet doesn’t seem like you will be running in a deficit. Tbol I believe will work better with the diet you plan on running.
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I’ve really been interested in npp. As you stated it’s good for lean mass. Since it’s a short ester do you pin ed or eod. Thinking of adding it next cycle. So does it act different than deca or is it similar just faster into the body? My buddy loves it only compound he runs anymore but he’s pushing 265 don’t wanna get quite that huge. He says he don’t get any water bloat which is one thing I hated about deca even though for strength I was a complete monster on it.
I love npp but it has a heavy ester attached so you have to remember that available compound is alot lower than what you inj so you need to go to atleast 450mgs a week in my opinion.
Its an amazing compound because you can cut and stay dry while running it or you can bulk up heavy on it also I have used it both ways and it’s a very versatile compound. Especially when you add in proviron or masteron the synergy is amazing when combining a testosterone, nor19, and a dht. Its the perfect stack because you get the androgenic and Anabolic balance very nicely.

When pinning I use Monday Wednesday Friday as 3x a week and I believe that this was good but now with micro dosing I might rethink the way I would plan my dosing schedule.

If npp wasn’t nandrolone I would swear that it has nothing to do with decca lol it is the same compound but it acts so differently than decca.
I believe that decca still has its uses but npp is the superior muscle building compound. I should say that its superior because it acts faster not stronger.
Npp is an amazing compound for building muscle.
Awesome, I appreciate the advice. I just checked, and my source doesn’t carry TBol. I may check somewhere else, but I’m pretty loyal to @SRx, they’ve been perfect. If I was to run the cycle mentioned above, is there anything you see that wouldn’t work well together?
NPP is my favorite so far. I loved the joint lubrication benefits from deca, but the water retention was out of control, and the results were slow to come by. Also, lost 10 lbs of water weight as soon as it left my system. NPP is definitely the way to go with nandrolone IMO. You still get the joint benefits, and way faster results. You do have to pin ed or eod, but the shots are painless.
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Yeah tren is amazing, but I’m in an awesome relationship, getting married in December, and she and I both can tell it makes me a different person. I don’t rage out or anything, it just makes me overall a less positive person.

Don’t expect tren results from it, but it will definitely show
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I just don’t believe that all those compounds plus the time frame that you plan on running them is just not right. You can run some of those compounds but you would need to decide which ones. You want a balance between Anabolic and androgenic.
Gotcha. I looked at the TBol, and I want to stay away from orals because of the hepatotoxicity. That’s why I was happy to see IM DBol. I was going to try Anavar because of the lesser toxicity. I think I’m going to drop the anavar, and just go with

500mg Test C - wk 1-12
500mg NPP - wk 1-12
50mg daily DBol - wk 1-6
? Proviron 50mg split - wk 1-12?

And just forget the oral anavar. Does this look any better? I’m having trouble for some reason finding out info on each compound and what type of steroid they are. Could you remind me what type NPP and DBol are? Thanks again for all of the help