Next cycle, could use some feedback


Well-known member
So I’m wanting to try a nor19 and I’ve read that NPP is a good place to start. I’ve seen it ran anywhere from 300 to 600mg per week so I was going to start low. Here’s what I’m thinking…
Weeks 1-8
450mg Test P Split MWF
300mg NPP Split MWF
400mg Mast E Split WF
10mg Aromasin MWF
Caber on hand

I already have the Mast E which is why I’m wanting to use that instead of Mast P. Also, my second cycle was 500mg test e and 400 Mast e and I had great results. Is caber necessary or will an ai and vitamin b6 be enough to control possible npp sides?

Thanks for the feedback
Looks good to me brother. Caber isn’t always necessary. It all really comes down to keeping your estro under control and also how you respond to 19nor’s. What end result are you looking for with this stack? To me it looks like a very nice clean bulk stack, diet depending. Also with the NPP and Test P personally I would pin EOD just to keep bloods a little bit more stable. With the nice dose of Mast you plan on running aromasin might not even be needed at 450mg of test. Blood work will definitely tell you all of this. I personally like to run as little AI as possible. Slightly elevated estro is not always bad. You need estro to grow as well.
I have to second all of that but I’d add that I personally feel like those esters should be pinned daily for proper levels. The half lives of those well except for the enanthate is all basically a day or 2 days. To not make it all confusing I would say just to pin them every day in smaller doses.
I appreciate the advice and yes, I’m planning a lean bulk. I’m going to take your advice and pin EOD, my last cycle I pinned E3D with E esters to keep steady bloods rather that twice a week and it worked out.
Sure why not, I would😁, nothing wrong with a little kickstart, also a nice pump when using pwo, and at 20mg for 2-4 weeks is relatively a safe dose for trying it your first time.Just try to keep an eye out on your estro when running the Dbol that’s all. Now just because I would start with Dbol doesn’t mean you should, generally speaking when your first starting out with AAS, you should really try to introduce one compound at a time to see how you respond. Since this will be your first time running a 19nor you might just want to stick with the NPP and Test to see how you respond to a 19nor. NPP will kick in quick as well. If everything works out for you this blast then next time add the oral or whatever it maybe you choose. This is the correct way to learn your compounds and how you respond.
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Looks like a solid cycle as long as you have your diet and training dialed in.
I would recommend to have caber and an AI on hand because better to have and not need then to need and not have.
I would also raise your NPP dose to minimum 450mgs a week because phenylpropionate is a heavy ester and using 300mgs your actually only getting I believe 180-225mgs.
Research ester weights and the effects they have on the compounds that they are attached to.
My Bayer testoviron on the pamphlet tells you that you only get about 180mgs of active compound out of a 250mg/ml amp that might not be the exact number but it is less than 250mg/ml.

I believe that you will enjoy a cycle set up with test, nor19, and dht.

Good luck and good gains brother
Thanks everyone for the advice, I really appreciate it. I’m going to wait on the Dbol and just run the test p @ 400, mast p @ 400 and npp @ 500, up to 600 if it goes well. AI and Caber on hand. @Bigmurph or anyone else have a recommendation on caber dosage for this amount of npp? Thanks again!
You may not end up needing the caber running NPP. It’s in and out so fast that it’s not likely to increase progesterone that much. And as men we still need a little bit of progesterone production for good hormonal health so you don’t want to kill it. If you ended up needing it, the dosage would be minimal .25mg 2x a week is plenty
I personally have ran NPP up to as high as 700mg per wk and only ran my Caber (pharma grade) at .25mg every 3rd day at that dose and lower than that I usually run it at .25mg every 5th day. Like @Ironside said you may not need it as everyone is different but I personally run it every 5th day just for my own peace of mind when running a 19 nor.
I would go with the smallest amount to begin with. That way if you do need it you have it and have time to order more just incase but with npp you can stop and drop it. Its really decca that you really need to be careful with but I would say even if you get .25mg and just a couple then even if you don’t use them you will have them for your decca cycle in the future lol