Nolvadex during cycle?


Well-known member
Is it better to take nolvadex during cycle or after? I’m on trt so won’t be doing post cycle therapy, just thought it may curb any possible sides, and maybe keep estrogen in check.
Yes sir, I just had to get back on, low dose 10mg daily. I went for a good month and a half without but started to have flair ups. If your prone to gyno I would recommend using it. If your gyno is outta control then run 2 weeks at 40mg ED, then 1-2 weeks at 20mg ED, then I would stay on continually for remainder of cycle at 10mg ED. Now remember just cause your running Nolva doesn’t mean you don’t need an AI anymore ,Nolva attaches itself to the breast and nipple area receptors only. Personally I run it with all cyles because I’m pretty prone to gyno. I do believe it messes with your igf numbers to an extent I got my igf tested mid cycle and I was still higher then baseline but not where I wanted it. That’s why I came off Nolva mid way to retest at end of cycle but I had to get back on unfortunately
Brotha def need an AI on hand you might not even have to use but good to have. If I’m running any test mg over 250mg a week I need an AI, it’s just simply put the rate at which your body aromatizes. As for dosing if you start getting really oily, breaking out, moonface I’d start with 12.5mg e3d, and adjust accordingly, maybe EOD, ED…Trial and error, get bloods done
Always have everything you might need. I started aromatizing more as I got older. At 30 I was fine with Proviron up to 500mg/week test now I need 12.5 asin EOD at that dose. I never had any gyno symptoms but I got 2 packs of Nolva just on case that changes.
I talked to my Dr about bloods, she said things are really backlogged right now and non-essential testing is kinda put on the back burner.
I’ll get some AI.
I got lucky and got a couple appointments last week and scheduled a PT appt. Got to go to PT on Friday but follow up Dr, appt was by phone. No more PT or Dr appt for at least 3 weeks. They may cancel that one she said.
I just go to a walk in lab and pay the hundreads of dollars. Get seen whenever you want and get results by email with no questions and bs
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