Numbness when low-bar squatting


Active member
I couldn’t find much information online about his besides one forum where it was a short discussion but has anyone ever experienced this? I’ve been low-bar squatting for over a year now, but recently my index and thumb on my right hand has gone numb. It’s done this a few times now consistently when i’ve squatted. About 2 weeks ago it went numb real bad and stayed numb for a week. My right bicep was super weak and that is my dominant hand. For example, I could curl for 15 reps on my left arm but my right arm was maybe half that. I know it isn’t in my wrist because I tested it the other day and I can feel it go slightly numb before I even unrack the weight. I’m thinking it is a mobility issue as I am gaining a lot of muscle recently. I just don’t feel as flexible in the shoulders as I’ve been in the past. I am thinking about going to a chiropractor this week and seeing what’s up. Anyone been in a similar situation?
Yep. Personally I’m a big fan of chiropractic care.

Maybe need some adjustments, mobility, stretching etc.
I had really bad pain in arms when switching to low bar. I had to buy new bar to be able to put hands wider as it was just not good on my big ass. What’s your size
I was using two fingers when I called it quits on those bars. It’s amazingy squat has gto be up about 100 since I got new bar
Low bar squatting puts a lot of strain on your arms and joints trying to hold it. Unless you’re a power lifter just wanting to push numbers it’s really not useful. I’d go back to using traditional technique if you’re looking to build muscle.
How low or high do you set the bar? I know lowbar squats should be lower on your traps. If too high you can get nerve impingement. A good neck adjustment over several visits can release that impingement. Also neck decompression does wonders. Unfortunately if it is a nerve it could take weeks to correct. Maybe months. I had this happen a while back. I would change to front squats or move to leg presses and hacks for a few until the numbness stops. Or you’ll end up with basically carpel tunnel syndrome and that’s a whole other mess. Good luck!