Omega Brand LabMax (March 17th test for Primobolan Enanthate)


Hey Guys, sorry for the latency in getting this uploaded onto the forum. I wanted to wait until @PHD was in my neck of the woods. He came over here personally to oversee testing done on the primobolan enanthate. I did TWO SEPARATE TESTS. BOTH TESTS came back POSITIVE, with the right coloring, according to Labmax’s website instructions using the MCT option as an oil carrier, as PHD will testify to. Unfortunately, the only way to test purity as Labmax instructed on sending a sample with a vial they sent, is to send off to another lab. Honestly, if anyone wants to take it further to prove anymore, send it to SIMEC or CHEMTOX, and I will reimburse that individual. Hopefully by now, anyone that is ordering not only Primo, but anything coming from Omega Brand, knows were the real deal. I will say this again with concerns on both ends. We do not OVERDOSE, we do not UNDERDOSE, everything is exactly what it says it is. We pride ourselves on never cutting corners, and having the best gear on the market. Appreciate you guys who have ordered, I look forward to hearing about your results. For those of you looking to order, give us a shot, and I think you’ll become a customer for life.

Also, I will be out of town next week, 21st-29th of March. If anyone orders during that time, I can take them, but I will be shipping when I return.





Ive ordered at least 5 or 6 times from @Omegaman all his gear is best of the line! Everyone that i haveht seen in a month are like “ What the Fuck Bro 😳
Lmao! Gotta love that test eq and dbol stack with a sprinkle of some Seromstims :ok_hand:t2:
Bro people been saying same to me. I don’t think I have big arms and guys have been commenting on my arms. I’m like what the hell. People don’t believe me when I say I’m only running 250mg sust 600mg eq and 50mg primo. I’m very happy with the results sitting at 232.
People never believe me when I tell them how much I take. It’s relevant to the person how long they been running gear, genetics, receptor amounts in the cells so whats alot for one person might be not much for another. @PHD bro quit messing around with everyone you know you a jacked Mofo!