Opening day in Wisconsin

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Well here we are sitting in our blind 18 feet above the ground looking over cut corn fields waiting for deer to walk by. Son got to the land first and effing parked his truck 40 yards north of my stand and right next to the swamp where they come out. So pissed. Why are teenagers always morons. I always hope for that opening morning where I see the big one 5 minutes into shooting hours but hasn’t ever happened yet.

Wife got stuck in the tree stand this evening. About 15 minutes before shooting hours ended the does and one fork buck started surrounding her stand. By ten mi utes after hours she had eight of them under her. She was waiting for a buck of decent size so she didn’t shoot any. But she couldn’t come down and let them know her hiding spot obviously. I started making deer noises from about 100 yards away. They all looked around but would move just kept hanging around munching on vegetation. I texted her to make a loud shhhh noise like a buck wheeze they just looked in her direction and didn’t care. She finally started making weird kackeling noises that I’ve never heard before and they all walked away tails down like it didn’t matter. She finally got out about 45 minutes after dark. I thought it was pretty funny. @John
I take my arrow sometimes and hit the tree with it,that’s gets them,but sometimes they don’t run that far.
All the big bucks around here are staying nocturnal based on the cams and what we’ve seen the past two days. Fact that we saw seven does yesterday around her stand and they weren’t being harassed by any bucks I’d say lock down is over and the rut is done.
Not by me their in trailcams all hours of the day still, nibbling a little here n there,then a doe will come and they go back to rutting,although im sure it’s coming to an end.
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