Oxandrolone versus primo ace tabs


Well-known member
Ok so first all have tried both and loved both but anavar is more practical and gives you .ore bang for the buck, primobolan is best to have the injactable version cause primo tabs come in 25-50 will absorb less than half, giving injectable version much more bioavailable and absorb 100%, anavar also comes in pill form but it seems it more bioavailable than primo in fact i. Studies were shown that oxandrolone at 100mg a day on burnt victims showed an absortion in the blood of 50% the dose giving wich was 100mg a day, giving 50mg that wasent destroyed by the liver and was available in the sistem, so much more bioavailability than methenolone acetate tabs, remember using primobolan injection and tab together when i took out the tablet form i didnt notice no difference( this was 6 out of show) so anavar remains the safest and most quality muscle builder with correct nutrion and strict diet, with cardio and adequate sleep, one with of anavar it gives me acid reflux only oral that does that, but nexium fixises that, all around best steroid to stay stafe and always to have in evry arsel…

Good post brotha, I’m thinking of giving Anavar a try this summer for the first time. I always keep my cycles pretty basic ( test, Tren, EQ ) so this will be a nice addition I think. Normally I would run Winstrol during a cut but as I get older my joints just don’t hold up as well anymore😲
Exact same think here, cant take winstrol my joints get trys as f. , i dont use nandrolone to lubricate cause same at my age whats done is done, gotta start using and more efficiat compound, not that stanazolol isnt the contrary its fantastic but at thi point of my life compouds like tren , winny, superdrol and things like that i think were good for my competion days, these day i try and stay big an helathy , and on this note anavar is much better than winstrol after toure done with shows and photoshhot and you wanna be healthy , big and strong.