Parting and dancing sober a great workout


@Fitraver this one is a question for you but anyone else who goes out to the club or a rave and doesn’t use while there alchohol or recreational drugs.
How many calories do you think you burn in a night?
Me personally I know that I used to get a crazy workout dancing and jumping around.
Whether it’s a rock concert in the pit or a rave jumping and pumping all night or even in a club getting down with the girls dancing.

I would be honesty drenched and disgusting by the end of the night and I always had a great time.
This might be something that I will go back to doing.
As too how many calories you burn, I have no clue. You’d prolly have to wear one of those fit bits or whatever they’re called. I think I saw someone post their fit bit results from a day at a festival and it was like 1800 calories or something crazy. Depends how hard you’re dancing too. But yeah I always come back from a festival down 3-4 lbs. usually that’s eating all junk food too.
Number of calories burned, no matter what you are doing, is body weight dependent. Just an example…Kayaking- 125lb individual will burn about 275 hours per hour while a 200lb individual will burn around 450.
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I always laugh…raves when I went…you would get a invite(no social media) glowstivks and the guys and gals with the glow things in their mouth…the X purveyors. The funny thing was no one cared how big I was…girls thought it was sick.