PCT after cycle if I'm on TRT weekly?


Well-known member
Hey guys! Been running great cycle of Test E and Tren E the past couple weeks, couldn’t be happier with gear I got from one of our amazing sources! Keep Flashing!!! I’m running a low dose on both just to keep lean for the summer. Question I have is do I really need PCT after 6w cycle when I’m going to be on a TRT dose even when I’m not on cycle? Haven’t seen much about this online either, thanks ahead for any advice!
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Probably don’t need it. If your concerned with kids later then after taking Tren, I would do a pct. If not then nah. Tren shuts down my FSH pretty fast. Depending on the blood work if its worth it to you test it a few weeks after. My doc figures out my TRT dosage so its pretty precise.
That’s what I was thinking! I’m 45 and took care of any chances of having kids at a young age, played baseball for a living for 7 years so traveled a lot. Didn’t want kids all over the place!😒
Thank y’all for your responses can always depend on good help on UGMuscle!