Peptides, do they really work?

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Well-known member
Hi All,
been on gear for a while and I m quite annoyed on this perverse side effect of losing hair. !!!

Question: would peptised give me the same results as test+deca etc…but not the side effects?

thanks Angelo
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I’m pretty lucky, even on masteron I don’t notice any shedding.

As far as treating hair loss, I have heard of finasteride and that’s the most common. Just have to watch what compounds you fun along side it for it to have effect or something like that. I think it has bad reactions with certain compounds.

Hopefully someone can chime in with more experience on this. But yeah hair loss is a risk for everyone no matter what. All you can do is try to experiment with treatment and hope it works for you as everyone responds differently
As I imagined…They tell you this and that but I had the suspicious that nothing can beat AAS. Thanks mate. Just why this bloody AAS must have this nasty side effect!!! but probably there is a price to pay for everything…
Hey bro I’m also starting to get a more significant widows peak and I looked into some of those hair loss prevention products and their side effects, honestly I think most have worse possible side effects than the gear. Shaved head on a bodybuilder is a good look anyway. Good luck bro, stay safe.
From what I understand (which isn’t much most of the time) finasteride is safe to use with everything except nandrolone. If you take nandrolone while on finasteride it can actually accelerate hair loss. I personally take finasteride and it seems to be holding off hair loss but everyone’s results will vary.
I don’t think he’s barking up the wrong tree. there are lots of ways to achieve anabolism other than using steroids. For example, a commonly suggested combination for women by experts is to use insulin and HGH. This doesn’t include the risk of virilization. I’d be willing to bet that the women we saw on stage during the Olympia this year were largely the result of hgh and insulin. Nowadays experts recommend steroids as a substance of last resort for these types of folks.
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That doesn’t sound too bad but HGH can be risky all by itself right? I ran a kit a while back and I didn’t have any bad sides but it was only 10 weeks and it wasn’t a heavy dosage. Probably didn’t even run enough or for long enough to really get the benefits of it anyway.
Not really? There’s a slight risk of it upping your estrogen production but if you run it under 5 IU per day it’s basically risk free.
Ehhhh not quite. I personally ran 2iu daily and my prolactin was through the roof. I’m an outlier, full disclosure on that, but saying risk free shouldn’t be the case for anything.
I don’t think there’s a peptide combo out there that will produce test + deca results. Which was the OP’s question.

I agree insulin and hgh are a nice steroid free combo.
Just accept it. You keep asking about hair loss and we keep saying the same thing. Resign yourself to your fate. Grow a beard. Shave your head and move on.

I’m the first person on either side of my blood line (going back almost 200 years) to have thinning hair on the way to baldness.

I attribute it to anabolics…
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