Planning my next cycle...need advice

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Just dreaming I guess, but I can’t wait for the lock down to be over and get caught up at work. I’m guessing my next cycle will be another bulk but I don’t know. I’ve lost 5lbs in 8 days. But getting it done work wise. My doctor reminds me of the anabolic doc on YouTube as in he is extremely versed in gear. I told him I’ve ran some and I’m gonna do it again when I get caught up, he said cool let me know what your running and ill know what tests to run :hugs: so anyway I’d like to go stronger this one I have a ton of test e and turnibol. But I was wondering what else? Provirin gets tossed around alot… whats it Do? I’m still afraid of tren just yet. Also what besides sweet Mary increases appetite? I’m literally made of questions if yall could steer me towards some compounds,plans,or ideas I’d be grateful! Planning way ahead but I enjoy reading thanks fellas
Test, Deca, EQ , kick start with Dbol for 4 weeks then 2-3 weeks off orals, then start tbol remainder of cycle.
GH in the 6s range, slin 10-20iu , and FOOD!!! GHRP-6 helps tremendously with appetite for me. Train , rest, repeat. 3-4 day split, more rest=more growth.
I’ve heard EQ increases appetite. I’m going to try it my next cycle. If you feel you’re not ready for Tren. I’m not sure I’d try the NPP or Deca. As they’re nor-19 compounds like Tren. Proviron is good to run all the time. You can add it to a cycle and it helps off cycle. I’ve been off cycle for a while now. Once I started the proviron I noticed it immediately. What compounds have you ran so far sir?
Nah brother just must of been day dreaming. It frees up test? But don’t it do something for your sex life?
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Yes helps with libido, it’s a mild compound so you aren’t gonna see your results, especially along side whatever by our running.
I’d keep it simple. You have the test and tbol. I’d add Proviron for sure. I’ve been sold on it since the first dose of 25mg. I’ve also read EQ is good for recovery. I’d try a Test, EQ cycle. Dbol at beginning. Tbol at the end and proviron through out.
I noticed with my first cycle that Test increased my appetite. Then I added Anadrol and it increased my appetite. Upcoming cycle is the Megabol. My first run with Boldenone. Hoping to put on another 50 pounds.
I have absolutely no doubt you know your stuff, me im not quite ready for slin. I don’t know my body enough yet. I like growth hormone, well ipam anyway lol that probably pales in comparison 🤣 …yeah I’m a bit of a puss.
Brotha that ain’t puss at all… That’s being smart and listening to your body. I just was giving you an idea of what I would run with out Tren, in no way shape or form should you try it unless you think your ready, I’m sorry man should have put that out there with the post
Cool man glad the site is up, now if I can get all this info on this cycle info blended, and put into amounts and wks etc I’ll be g2g.
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