Please post product reviews on the website

I’m a new customer but I’m blown away by the ease of use of the website and the insanely fast shipment. I’ll be a customer for life and I’m about to throw reviews up on things I’ve tried so far. Muchas gracias to you and the team!
I just finished 8 weeks of Flash Tren Enan and winstrol. I lost a lot of body fat. Been dieting hard since April 1st. I’ve been on the sustanon for many months. My current stack is:
875mg sustanon
465mg deca
465mg masteron enanthate

This is the highest dose I’ve done in years. I’m growing while leaning out.
Nice, I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one who runs masteron with his deca. I did a similar blast over the winter. Fucking amazing

Test E-600mgs - week
Test prop-200mgs - week
Npp - 400mgs - week
Masteron prop - 600/700mgs - week
I’m right there with you, it’s a great addition to any cycle, or even with a cruise. Not only hardens you up but makes you feel better and yea keeps your estrogen in check