Projecting future cycles for long term plan


Good evening UGM! Looking for some input to help with solidifying a long term plan. A little back ground info about me. Since 6th grade Ive been 200+ pounds. As I gotten older and taller I’ve become alot leaner. Before current cycle I was 6’ and 208 at 18%bf. My diet is clean year round and dropping weight is not a problem. My problem is getting leaner. I have been down to 190 and had decent definition but I didnt feel right. Ive determined I need to be around 215 (probably psychological). I’m currently doing Test E(300), Decca(150) e3d and dbol (50 split) on work out days. In the spring my current thought is Test P and NPP @ 100 each eod, maybe an oral and once I finish PCT, then run HGH for 6 months. All feedback is appreciated
We now know that it helps to even microdose nor19 and other compounds I believe that you will really enjoy a cycle like that plus npp is an amazing compound especially with tbol
I like 6-8 depending upon dose 40mg split 2x a day could be 8wks. Or go bigger 50mg +split or pwo should be 6wks.
Always reccomend something to help you organs Glutathione is really good for cholesterol and liver values.