Question about Test amount for bulk

Always use an AI, and always do labs to stay on track! At 200mgs I need an AI. I don’t know why anybody would do less than that, and before even doing labs on test cycle my doc put me on .5mg twice a week of anastrazol.

I’ve seen this on here a lot lately, are people actually taking test without an AI??? If you are is your estro in check?? Serious question
Yeah bro, I don’t take an ai until I need to! If I’m running a high dose test I know at some point I’m gonna need it, but I don’t start taking an ai until I need to.
I’m with you brother , as I said in a previous post I don’t need an AI until I pass 500mg wk , and even then I only take 12.5 mg of aromisan on pin days which for me is twice a wk . If your in the game long enough you know when you need it , you start to feel like shit , your moody and your dick starts to fail you , they are all pretty good indication you need your ai.
That’s wild man, human bodies are so strange. One time I stayed at the .5mg twice a week of the adex at 500mg of test, (and the rest of my cycle at the time) and my estradiol was through the roof! Test was over 3000 too, (unreadable)
Ideally I do labs at around 8 weeks into a cycle, depending on the length of my cycle. If something’s not where I expect it I’ll have follow up bloodwork 4-6 weeks later. I know I should, but usually don’t have labs during a cruise. It will depend on the compound as well, my next cycle will be my first tren run in several years, so I’ll try and get labs 3x throughout the cycle. You should have labs done while on trt, I need to do better about that.

shitty pic but the last two columns are 300mg and 600mg risk to reward kinda diminishes
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I don’t do labs during a cruise or trt either , same thing for me also only if I feel there is something off that I can’t put my finger on , I’ve been at this long enough I can usually figure it out and correct it myself , but when on cycle I like to be monitored because that is where we stress our bodies.
Power lifter. Took ABOMBS before meets… he’s a holistic guy now and vegan. It almost killed him running that gear. True story. I can write more if interested.😉