SARMS cause permanent damage to your receptors?

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A good buddy of mine runs a nutrition shop here in town. I run GW while on tren to help some of the negatives that comes with it. Anyways he told me that once you stop taking SARMS your receptors doesn’t fully rebound like being on cycle. There’s so little research on them and I can’t find anything stating that’s a possibility. Wondering what’s everyone else’s knowledge on it?
Lol I agree. You need me to throw around 300lbs I got you. Get on the treadmill you can fuck yourself. But GW does help with your stamina I notice it a lot a work.
I’m currently using card in my cut I’m doing cardio is so effortless for me. But it’s not a sarm so I guess it’s ok hahah
This is purely anecdotal, but I tried a few different Sarms before finally jumping on the steroids bandwagon and all the Sarms I tried spiked my BP and made me feel like warm shit. That was enough to tell me that it probably wasn’t great for me.
I’ll be honest I had nothing but great experiences with sarms part of the reason I’ve am decided to jump on the gear bandwagon. Even plan on after test cycle using left over sarms with test base to compare test only to sarm plus test base
That’s what I did, test n sarms, to see what it did for me, and I actually do that with AAS my first run with things I will only do with test to see exactly what it does
Such little research on SARMS. Many you find on the market are quite questionable. I’m sure it will become more clear as the years go on!
SARMs I’ve said it before, if you have run a good cycle of AAS. Then try SARMs you know they are waaaaay out of AAS league. As in little league shot. Was like pro hormones back in the day. Missing too many components to make a good Steroid. But that’s my opinion. I put SARMs in the same category as pro hormones.
I hope that’s not true cause I loved GW the couple times I used it, but with out looking its not a sarm if i remember correctly
Show me the years of research and medical documents on SARMs, you can’t… show me the years of research on AAS, and you’ll be able to show me so much I can’t read it all. In my opinion, SARMs are garbage, and unfortunately no one knows the long term effects. I get sad hearing all the bro’s at the gym I go to talk about peptides, SARMs and using Tren via DMSO because their afraid of needles…
I’ve never used SARMs and never plan to. I’ve seen a few impressive reviews but so many mediocre ones. So many AAS that have been researched and do work.

GW501516 is not a SARM although it is labeled and advertised as one by SARM retailers. It is a PPAR receptor agonist. I’ve heard it is good to run with tren and do plan on trying that. It was researched for about 10 years. They did stop the research due to possibility is sped cancer growth though.
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