Sarms to Bridge for the Universe


I started a SARMS cycle for the first time 4 weeks ago. Since I have gained 20lbs and only run 500mg of test with it as a cruise. I have been amazed at how well they work. I am sitting at 10.3% BF and just started a 21 day dnp cycle to cut even more fat and use the weeks ahead as a rebound. My plan is to keep cleaning out and doing this until January when I will start cranking things up for the Universe and if necessary Masters Nationals.
I am using
gw501516, mk677, lgd4033

no growth. no slin and nothing else except the test. Anyone else use sarms this way?
Wow awesome results bro. I saw @formernpc a few weeks ago and this guy is huge and lean at his weight and height. Maybe I should start some soon 🤔 Trying to get us a good peptide company. He’s in just needs a rep.
Whos mk677 did you use? I love t but its so often faked. I’m running mike a’s somatizone now. Getting igf bloods Tuesday. 2/3 last I used my igf cane back not even elevated. The one tho at half dose of 15 came back at like 359 which was awesome. Until I ran a second bottle of same brand at full dose and my igf came back at like 180. So even among brands you can get ones bat are bunk. Just so hit or miss.

Really hoping these I’m on will be good. Sleep has been great so hoping that’s a good sign. I’m cruising too and eating a ton.

Almost wanna look at just getting my own raws. Lot cheaper that way if you find a good src.
I like recon peptides. I’m trying to get them over here. I’ll be honest I’m not a big peptide person. Need to study up on them.
I’ll text you. You know who it is lol. Research peptides
I remember doing a bunch of research on sarms a while back.

i remember reading a lot about mk677 but i remember reading about the bloat that it causes… and stayed away from it 😮

I have some cardarine in my box of goodies. I ran cardarine for a couple weeks and couldn’t tell if it was having any affect on me… so i stopped using it
They have told me because they are a true pharmaceutical company that they don’t want to be on any forums. If anyone wants there information im able to give it out in pm
I’ll let you know how my igf bloods come back on this mk677 I’m running bro. I don’t trust anything without bloods haha.
So homeland security busted him. @TG remember I told him to quit posting that shit on Facebook and he went off on me saying that they don’t want him and how he’s safe using Facebook???!!! @Bigmurph
I’ve used them and evolution, started with sten labs, with turned to Agricon. Some like research had payment issues I think for a while. Finally, I found buyuspeptides and they were small at the time. Gave me lots of new batches to try. I felt that everything was on point. I hate using 1 thing at a time or trying to figure out if its real RElated to side effects. The mk677 and ipamorehlin I did for a year with little breaks. 50mg of mk677 was noticeable, only taking test. Added ipamorehlin at 500mcg hs. That combo was keeping me lean and had to eat a lot to get a good pump. You guys probably have the same problem, I only change in body comp, a line here, veins there, from when I’m on or off. Weight changes a little but I don’t do 150 dB presses anymore or heavy anything. I just " know" I’m on. So, anything out of the ordinary really stands out. Like blues from Alex, thanks for that tip. Just started everything and I’m probably 3 weeks ahead. Just feel good when I grab a weight.
@formernpc, maybe I’ll see you at the masters. Officially January for me too. I’ll probably just go into a big NQ for pictures and stuff. I’ve been keeping an eye on nabba with Eddie Robinson as the commish now. Love to have a vacay to England for the universe. There’s really never any Americans there. Like I mentioned buyuspeptides has been very straight up and takes care of serious competitive athletes, at least when they were smaller. They have that lgd30-?, supposed to be an improvement. I am lead to believe some or the “ass like” sarms, true sarms, still exhaust AR mediated receptors so I don’t do s4,ostarine, but mk677, I like. Yk11 research is a bit scary. I would think ostarine, mk677 and others that are coming to a pharmacy soon, would be so hard to get. Good luck, I wanna do a log on here and document the journey
Ive heard good things about a company I used I ordered today. They say they are closing for good Nov. 2nd
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