Second opinion on test results

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New member
What’s going on UGmuscle! I’m new to the forums and I’ve only really cycled twice in my 6 years of training. I’ve always been the guy that when I got, I took it and never thought about buying a test kit until I joined. It’s my first time using and the results are for Test E using the B ampule. Was wondering if I could get a second opinion to make sure it’s not some bunk ass gear. It looks like the color on the website(brown) but on the paper that comes with the kit it’s suppose to be a brown reddish tint. I honestly don’t know which to go by.
Its not bunk but under dosed and there selective scammers. Your roidtest will only show that there is possibly a compound in it because the B amp only identifies the ester the D amp shows that the correct hormone is present.

That still doesn’t show how so many people have said that they are scammers. There even now part of the scammer category at ugmuscle.
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Yes actually so if the colors shift In the D amp to what the chart shows that means the hormone is present? Also what if there is no shift or change in color?
Your best bet at this point is to get blood work done. Run it and see how it affects serum testosterone levels.
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