Seeking recommendations for next cycle


Well-known member
currently on my first cycle, 300 test, decent gains but obviously nothing crazy, really leaning towards masteron & test for my next cycle, not trying to be a mass monster, going for a classic look, 5 foot 6, 175 lbs, about 12% body fat, eating and training are in check

what would y’all recommend for my 2nd cycle to achieve a classic look
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How lean are you now? From what I understand Mast works well if you’re pretty lean already. Maybe for a second cycle just upping test to 500 a week and adding some tbol or proviron. Nothing crazy
im about 12% body fat, unless i just ate a big meal i can normally see 4 of my abs but i still have love handles, and still have jelly rolls if i bend over, im starting to think mast wouldnt be my best option, any reccomendations?
As stated above. Just up the test. And see how you feel. Bloodwork is the only way to know how the compound is effecting your body.

Before. Then during about the 6th week. Then about two weeks after your PCT is complete. Assuming you are PTC ing.

So far your on a great site with a ton of knowledgeable people.

Take from it what you will.

Be patient and keep it simple with the Test for the 1st year+.

Evaluate your labs, and dial in your diet/training/sleep for your desired result.

It would be well worth it going forward to know your reaction to different dosages without anything else clouding the results. This information is invaluable to you right now.

The shit ain’t magic, but it’s a great fuel additive for a well built car with a tuned engine.
If this is your first and looking at second cycle, I’ll say the same thing I always do.

-focus on the next 20 years. Not 20 weeks.
  • consider your overall risk profile, vs reward thinking 20 years down the road.
  • telmisartan. Now and always.
  • glutathione injectable. Now and always.
  • if you’re eating like you should to gain like you want consider something to retain insulin sensitivity.
If you search telmisartan on this sight at the magnifying glass, it will show you a bunch of topics.

My doc has recently prescribed me telmisartan. I have some renal issues so we’ll see how i fare with it.