Serious question on a box full of gear

Try that cycle I put together for ya let us know how you like it.
We try Bro. We are all about helping each other. Sorry if I sounded like an ass. Sometimes people try to help too much and it just ends up confusing others and it gets away from the original question asked
Since you’ve run tren I agree. That fits the bill best for what you want. If you’re okay running double orals just make sure to stay in top of your liver Supps. I always run tudca when on oral. As @PHD your biggest key will be diet. You can absolutely cut on those but you need to keep hard on the diet. Can you lock that down?
Absolutely keto is awesome. I think @Fitraver just started keto and @SemperFi would be your resident expert on keto he’s been doing it a while. He’s even posted some recipes I believe