Site injection-myth or does it work

I pin biceps,triceps and delta. I personally like all those sites over quads. I’ve pinned quads several times but to me sometimes it’s good and sometimes it’s not so I would rather avoid them all together. Biceps are probably my best. I pin 1cc . Haven’t went with any more than that. Delta I have injected up to 3cc with 1 1/4 27 but I prefer 1inch 25. Triceps and biceps I use slin pin but I do flex when I pin. Biceps and triceps do look fuller after pinning. For me site injection does work.
You flex during pinning? It doesn’t hurt? I’ve always pumped up after I did it never during. Legs can be tricky but if you stick to the side and meaty part you should be good unless you’re lean. When I get show lean my quads can’t take it
I would say I’m not relaxed. I bend my arm but I’m not flexing hard. It doesnt hurt. Im thinking if i relaxed it it would hurt. I dont have bird legs. I used 1 1/4 27 and ive had good days and ive had bad. Meaning i may hit a nerve and i just dont like that so thats what comes to mind when i get ready to pin quad.
Do you pin on the side or on top? If your legs are leaner you may not have enough fat to help absorb and break the oil down
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Ive done both side and top. Ive pinned before and didnt feel a thing. Its mainly ia mind thing i guess. Maybe you can tell me where the best spot is. Ive true low, up high. To the side and towards the middle.
lol sounds like you have had a bad experience. I sit down and relax my quad grab the outer sweep and pinch with my hand then hit it right there. Very rare that I get a bad shot n it hurts but stretching or hitting quads makes it go away.
I pinned almost every part in my body, and I never noticed any site injection growth. I consider it a myth, even after pinning everything with short esters,pre workouts, and long esters.
I wonder if its mental that makes some of us think it works?! I’m 50/50 on it sometimes I’m like wow and others I’m like this is bs lol. I haven’t specifically sited injected in years. I would like to do suspension for spot injection but Haven’t done it yet.
I’ve also done suspensions in biceps, triceps, calves, and chest and noticed no difference. My entire body would grow instead of that specific site, so I never believed in it.
@VersaceLabs thanks for sharing your experience and input. I’ll be honest and even say I’ve tried synthol that is a waste of time took me hour to pen all those spots and doesn’t do shit
When I was full blown competing. Every shot I did half oil and half my gear. Unless it was going in a spot where I don’t need oil . Aka my glutes lol. But that was during competition season only.
That’s what johnny boy had me do. Oil bi tri quad ham calves. Omg I hated it and never saw any difference with the oil. Noticed more out of trenE in my bis more than anything.