Starting new cycle iron junkies labs


Ok starting cycle thoughts suggestions.
Running Test C from prescription 200mg p/w. Test E from IJL 300mg P/w . Deca 300mg p/w from IJL. D-bol 50mg p/d for first 4 weeks from IJL. Exemestane 12.5 mg. From ijl every other day. On a 6 week program from coach… Then evaluate do another 6 week program to really packnit on.215 p 280 c 90 f .
Im at 210lbs 6’ 2" last year cut down to 165 lbs @ 3%bf looking by next june be 200lbs <10% bf.
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I wanted to be shredded last year i got down to 165lbs…way to small…next year goal to be 200 lbs <10%bf im currently 210
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165 at 6 ft(my height) is incredibly small, I couldn’t imagine that at 6’2. Your coach got you down to 165 from 200? Give us more info, I think we’re a bit confused
So last year i just wanted to get as low bf% i could …got down to 165…yea way to small…so this year goal is to add size…get to 200lbs at <10% bf… I am current 210lb at 20% bf…
What’s with the filters? & last year you got down to 3% bf? Must’ve had visible veins even in buttocks? What was used to test that 3% bf? Also on your next bulk, I would personally stay bulking till I get to at least 240lb <20bf before you think about cutting again
I had a body composition done at the Y. I totally agree … to try and get as bidg as possible. 250 yeah cut down to like 220 210…and yes very. vascular

sorry about the filters it was my ex she posted on IG