Strength and Endurance Cycle


Well-known member
I have a number of cycles under my belt- sust/dbol a few times, Test-e/winny, test-e/deca, Test-e/EQ, Test-E/Tren, Test-P/Superdrol, and a few plain old test-c cycles. I have experimented with front loading long estered Test and kick starting cycles with prop and orals along with finishing with Test-P

I would not consider myself experienced per say. A few of the cycles were done without PCT and little understanding of AAS cycles. Using a bunch of drugs doesn’t make you experienced i’m my mind. Its why I am here, I am looking for input and advice. Little by little I learned enough to know I needed to learn a lot more.

Goals- increase strength and endurance while minimizing weight gain. I am involved in activities where weight matters; Mountaineering and ice and rock climbing. I sit about #180 right now. Maybe 14-16% BF. Not planning on cycling until I have re-established a very strong foundation of fitness. I have been as big as #212 and it was hard for me.

The basic outline of the cycle looks like…

Wk 1-10 Test-C 300 mg/wk. .5 cc M/Th (150 mg)
Wk 1-3 (ORAL KICKSTART ?) I have never used t-bol but it sounds like it might be a good fit.
Adex .5 M/Th (I tend toward test sensitive and have more pharma grade on hand if I need to bump it)

Wk 8-10 Hcg @ 1000iu/ wk ?
Wk 13-16- Clomid 100/100/50/50 or Nolva 40/40/20/20

In the past I have tried them together but have recently read there is no point.

I have never used Hcg but would like to see how it effects me. I have seen protocols that recommend using throughout cycle and also just the last 2 weeks or so. Opinions ?

Thanks in advance for the help and please, if I am off track, set me straight. I have thick skin…
Just wondering why your are messing with your endocrine system with a low dose of exogenous testosterone (50% increase over the typical replacement dose). Risking shutting down your natural testosterone and then having to go through the process of recovering it 10-12 weeks later.

You certainly can and most likely will gain strength but you will also risk handing it right back going through PCT if your diet and training are not disciplined. Defeating the purpose of the cycle.

Just things for you to consider.
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Great point. Thank you.

Terrible to respond to a question with a question… If there is significant risk of losing all the strength gains during PCT, why would anyone use AAS? I mean that as an honest question not being a jerk. Is it the dose, length of time, compounds ?

For me the idea is really to help with recovery during a hard training phase, increase motivation, and in my 40’s a little extra T feels great. That said I would not want to be on TRT. To committing for me.

Additionally, when I start to approach 500mg/wk of test the sides are too much- the elevated BP and bloat are counter productive for me.

More than willing to be talked out of the idea if it really does not make sense.
SpencerCortez said:
If there is significant risk of losing all the strength gains during PCT, why would anyone use AAS?
The reality… Most of us are ‘average’ and do not understand the importance of time and consistency combined with a level of commitment to the process. Life get’s in the way. 😉

I wont offer any cycle advice because it appears you have a handle on yourself. I will say your special hobbies are awesome!

I see a lot of your strength & endurance needs coming from what I call ‘free strength’ or CNS stimulation. Think about focusing on CNS stimulation training. MMA athletes rely heavily on CNS stimulation and I also see you benefiting greatly from it. It can be a by product of typical weight training but do some research on it and see if it makes sense to you.

There are steroids that stimulate the CNS better than others as well. Many of the DHT derivatives are an example.
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I couldn’t agree more about the time and consistency required to reach your potential and the difficulty of committing to long term athletic development. Currently I have a goal for early May that will require a solid 6-7 month to prepare for. Getting up at 4:30 a.m. to drive to the gym in the dark is tough during the winter months. Always a gut check.

I think CNS stimulation training is fantastic stuff. I do try to include it in my training. Perhaps I should incorporate a bit more and diversify how I implement it.

Thank you for your response. Better to hear the truth than what you want.
SpencerCortez said:
Currently I have a goal for early May that will require a solid 6-7 month to prepare for.
Pretty sure the training program with @PHD would fit right into that schedule!
I have always had issues with testosterone myself in high doses. I try to keep it 500mg or lower and I will add another compound in to do the work. I have the same issues as you do with bp and side effects from testosterone.
I would say that if you’re going to run 300mg which as semper said is a little low you might want to think about compounds like tbol, var,mast,primo,proviron to add into your cycle. I reccomend these compounds because they all don’t have estrogen conversion so your bloat and bp shouldn’t be effected very negatively. You will always see an increase in bp and some water retention because of the testosterone but choosing certain compounds on top of the testosterone can help curve the side effects compared to gains.

Proviron is a great addition to a lower dose testosterone cycle. This is because it will increase your free testosterone allowing you to get more out of the lower dose of testosterone. It will also help add more of an androgenic advantage to the cycle giving you more definition and lowering the amount of conversion to estrogen lowering the amount of water weight you will have.

Tbol I believe that you would really enjoy using its a great strength compound with no estrogen conversion and minimum side effects. I would recommend running it for 6-8wks depending on if it is effecting your ability to eat. I don’t have a problem stuffing down food while running tbol some people do though and your diet is really the most important part of making gains so you don’t want anything to effect your ability to eat enough protein carbs and fat.

With that being said though you have run a good amount of cycles. Have you checked your testosterone levels while off cycle to see if you have low testosterone levels now from running the prior cycles?

I would normally say that hcg isn’t necessary but you have a good amount of cycles under your belt and since you do want to cycle off hcg can help get your natural levels back faster. If you can still regain natural levels.
I like running my hcg throughout my cycle so I would inj 250-500iu 2x a week for the last 10wks up until pct. I have run it where you use bigger injections right before pct as your body is cleaning itself of the compounds but I believe that the 10wk before pct at lower dose is more effective in bringing back natural levels.
For pct unless you are struggling to get your levels back to normal. Just nolvadex or clomiphene will be ok. I would say use the nolvadex if you’re estrogen sensitive especially with adex because of the rebound that happens.
If you’re not estrogen sensitive and you have a hard time regaining natural levels clomiphene would probably be the better choice.
This is the reason that most people will reccomend using both. To keep gyno away and to get the stronger response towards gaining natural levels.

Good luck and good gains brother
Thanks for the response. I have never had blood work done before, I think I will now. I promised myself when I joined the forum I would get smarter and follow good advice. I will try to get labs drawn this week. Kinda interested to see…
SpencerCortez said:
I have never had blood work done before
I have learned through experience that some health issues or hormone imbalances may not manifest themselves in physical side effects. Regular lab work is the best and only conclusive way to properly monitor our overall health.

I recommend pre, mid and post cycle lab work.
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We have many vets here that always have a great answer to any question! Best of luck on your upcoming cycle and welcome to the board brother