Superdrol as a finisher?


Well-known member
Hey guys just want to hear some thoughts what everyone thinks of superdrol as a finisher in my current blast? It’s dht derivative so it will get me nice clean and dry hopefully. Was thinking 4 weeks at 20-30 mgs. a day. I’ve used this compund before as kickstart during cut with great results.
I don’t know what to say as a finisher, but it’s the only oral I actually enjoy, I can keep a lot of the gains I get from it and don’t have many problems as a result of it.i use it as I see fit at a beginning middle or end. I will use it 10 weeks total, 4 on at 20mgs, two off and 4 weeks at 30 mg, and I do that once a year as like a special treat, and that’s my two cents nonsense
If you don’t already have it, I wouldnt consider running it. That shit is ridiculously toxic and I’ve seen 3 or 4 people end up in the hospital because of it. Not to mention the many many people I’ve read about on the forums. There are so many better alternatives that I don’t know why anyone would still subject themselves to Superdrol
I haven’t seen anyone end up in the hospital… and I everything we put in our bodies pertaining to this forum is toxic and illegal so I guess it’s all bad, no matter what spin we put on it, my opinion is we all just chose what limits we wanna push
True but I live on the idea of chaos theory for the most part and weight risks vs rewards pretty heavily because of that. What I said is just my opinion but the risk, to me, far outweighs the reward.
I will pin after work, and alter the pinning schedule if I can to fit as a pwo, so I never workout before work, and even on weekends I won’t workout til afternoon sometime.