Sustanon & estrogen issues


Well-known member
Wanted to gauge opinions on sustanon and estrogen. I’ve never had estrogen issues on test base cycles (eth/cyp/or prop) as high a 600mgs per week. Recently I used sustanon as the base and at 500 mgs and my estrogen when crazy…6 weeks in, noticed slight gyno and sex drive totally crashed. Letro and adex quickly remedied the issues… so the question is …why? Different esters spiking at different rates… can this spike estrogen? Thx guys. Also, as an FYI ran the cycle with 400 mgs of Tren Eth per week for 12 weeks. Injects were done twice per week.
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I actually had my first gyno scare 2 cycles ago running sust and decca. I’ve run a ton of dbol so my estrogen levels have been through the roof more than once and I never had an issue until I got to the end of my sust decca cycle running sust 250x3=750wk decca 600wk but dropped to 400wk towards the end.
When I started this cycle it was a mess I had run sust before once but I started to believe that it might not have been sust. This cycle started so slowly waiting for the sust and decca to kick in. I would say around wk 8-9 I finally started to grow and quickly. I planned on going 16wks ended up stopping at 14wks because I had put on 50lbs. This cycle was a disaster I had let someone else design my diet and I don’t do good with high carbs my best results come from high protein and fat.
I blew up like a bloated whale so I pulled the rip cord and ended the cycle bloodwork at wk 6 put me in the right place but by wk 14 my estrogen levels had probably exploded.
I went into starting pct so I had stopped taking my aromasin around wk 16-18 once I stopped the sust and decca were still strong in my system and took forever to run its path through my system. The deconate and undeconate esters are crazy they release so slowly and once built up were very powerful.
With all my experience I failed to be able to control my estrogen.
I was running 5 different esters between the sust and decca trying to keep up and control that many compounds without crashing your estrogen or progesterone was very difficult.
You and me are similar I would much rather run test c or e at any level over a mix ever again. I will run only npp never Decca again.
I have heard a phrase alot in my life (kiss) keep it simple stupid. I plan on doing that always with my cycles. I believe that I can get better results with test c or e or even npp.
I know guys that love there long esters much better than short esters but in reality you don’t really take less inj you’re still injecting 2-3x a wk with short or long esters.
In my opinion I will always stick with the shorter esters to have better control over the side effects and to see gains in a faster rate.

Long esters or mixes are definitely advanced compounds. To advanced for me because I will not take the risk of getting gyno again.