Switching from blast to cruise - macros/calories?


Well-known member
So I have 8 days left on this 12 weeker. My current cals are at the 5500 mark and I’m sitting at 212 as of today up from 180 about 25 weeks ago. It’s been a long ass bulk but I feel like I’ve taken it orettt slow and gained some solid mass. I’ll be cruising about 5-6 weeks before switching to cut mode.

I obviously don’t want to just drop my cals way down right away when I switch to cruising. I think that is a big mistake people make (whether you cruise or do pct). I want to keep them up so I can maintain the size I’ve put on for the next 5-6 weeks before cutting.

With the gear being way less switching to a cruise I’m sure it makes sense to drop them some so I’m not just going to be adding a ton of fat since my body won’t be using up the food as well.

My question is… where is that happy medium to drop them to? Should I wait 2 weeks while the cyp and dhb clear out before dropping, and once that happens drop down to maybe 5000? 4500?

Of course there is no exact science but curious to hear some input. @PHD know you’d have a lot of experience with this since you compete. Any pointers on what works best for you?
Guess I should mention what my thoughts are on it.

My plan was to keep the cals the same the first week of my cruise and add back in cardio since I need to get used to it again. 5x a week at 20. Then second week of cruise see where my weight is and likely drop to 5000. Then 3rd weeks and beyond possibly 4500 until I start my cut cycle.
@Fitraver it’s not just lowering cals you have to also consider the types of food you’re consuming. Types of carb sources vegetable intake how much protein what type of proteins! I’d keep the same just switch your carbs up some. Do 30 minutes cardio keep your heart rate up. Even throw in some hiit cardio. Sounds like you’re making it more complicated than what it is. Just watch how your body responds. Obviously you will have a different look as your bulking compounds exit your system.

What is your cruise?
Okay that makes sense bro. You’re right probably over thinking it for no reason. My cruise will be 220 test e. THats my script dose and I’ll have to get bloods. I was debating adding proviron but not sure if that’ll raise my test too much and piss of my doc.
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@Fitraver I know this is an older post but I wanted to answer based on what I know concerning this question in case anyone else in the future has the same concern. Proviron is a DHT derivate and has no capacity to increase total testosterone. However it does bind to SHBG which will leave more of your circulating testosterone free. Simple answer - It will not increase Total T but it will increase Free T providing a higher ratio/percentage on your blood profile.
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