Switching things up a bit for a change

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Well-known member
OK been basically running trt on test E but kicked it up to a bit higher dose for the winter now I wanna transition over to sustanon about the same dose test E was 400 split and 50mg proviron split now I wanna run sustanon about same dose and proviron split what’s the best way to do that with the different acting esters ? Keep splitting twice a week? Or suggestions?
300 did my first full 1 Friday and my last test e of about 200 Tuesday so trying to get into the new rhythm last time I used sustanon was about 3 years ago and just used it once a week but this was my first run with anything
I’m slack I know because I didn’t keep a good ledger… but I seem to remember pinning eod or e3d.

It was sus250 over 10 years ago.
Buddy…i just don’t remember. If i know me like I think I know me… it was probably 125-250 mg per pin. Probably 2-3 x a week
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Sust is fun especially with proviron can’t get enough pussy then throw in some cialas and game on
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