Test, deca, and injectable lgd4033 cycle


Well-known member
Hey UGM,
I have 2 bottles of injectable LGD-4033, and was wondering if there is any interest in a log. I use to be associated with someone but no longer am and have these left over. I know they are real. Was wondering if anyone wanted to here about me using it.

I plan on using it at 30mg EOD, the half life of oral is 24-36 hours. Coach Trevor said that the life is probably closer to 36 to 48 hours. Also i pin shoulders so it should help slow the absorption. (Interesting article I found that shows the difference of absorption time across different muscle groups for IM injection.)

Currently bulking but eating well trying to regain my strength and size after a minor back surgery to remove a maybe cancerous growth.(it wasn’t). that was about a month ago. My bench is good, about 365lbs max currently compared to 405 lifetime pr, but legs are at about 75 percent as strong due to not training for awhile.

I am currently on( upped test from cruise and added deca 2 weeks ago, i like to have estrogen high so no ai on 500mg)
500mg Test E
125mg Deca
30mg Inj. LGD-4033( 1st pin was today)

Weight 237lbs fasted AM, 242-244lbs before bed.
Posted this because I saw @SRx was interested in injectable sarms. Personally i think only lgd4033 is worth the injection because the bioavailability of the oral is about 30%, so injection is suppose to be like 3x the dose.
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I would be interested I’ve also seen with injection some of selectiveness is lost for some reason
I agree it is more androgenic when injected, i believe moreplatesmoredates on youtube theorized that the oral lgd4033 gets metabolized into something that is less androgenic than lgd4033.
All real information is good. Some guys come on here asking about sarms. Interesting about different absorption times I’m gonna check that out.
I don’t know shit about sarms so I’m always looking for info on it. If your going to use it and don’t mind posting some updates I would check it out.
Im going to start posting information about sarms so that we atleast have all the basic information about all compounds.
This is a project that’s happening right now hopefully I will have a post with a description and maybe more by the end of next month
ok so i have taken the injectable lgd4033 at 30mg twice so far, and have noticed my muscles feeling fuller, especially at the gym after pumping up. pinned my last yesterday no pip, i was happy because it stung a bit going in, used 29ga .5" slin pin.
Effects: fuller muscle, more glycogen retention like a nandrolone or dbol seems like. I also upped my carb intake to 600g on training days so that might be why i feel so much bigger. Shoulders feel bigger and inflated during my workout yesterday. Strength no effect, but seemed like i could train longer and not feel as tired.

Recovery doesnt seem any faster as on friday i did my first volume leg day and was sore for 2 days. (empire strength that workout was intense). it was my first serious volume squatting in awhile. I might add mk677, hgh, or maybe a gh releasing peptide, to increase recovery.

I had a wart removed today at the dermatologist and she injected it with an toxin, cut the top layer off, and froze it. It hurts like hell to walk but isnt to bad if i lay still. Not training today, but tomorrow is suppose to be deadlift day, so if i feel good i will train if not that is ok also.
I’m on my last week of 40 mg of oral lgd a day I have felt it’s been working pretty well but as you said it’s easy to feel full when you got all
The carbs in your system
Thats a good dosage of lgd, do you like oral lgd? I have only used oral lgd at 5-15mg. One other thing to note from the inj. lgd is that i am thirsty all the time, idk if it dehydrating me or something.
Yesterdays workout was

sumo DL 3x6 worked up to 405
cambered bar good morning 225 3x8

was pretty shitty didn’t have enough time to workout was busy with school but still got in. I liked the cambered bar good morning they felt great on hamstrings.

Injectable lgd4033 still at 30mg EOD thinking to change to ED inj. , next week for 3-4 weeks. Then up the test and deca to higher levels. thinking 1250 test, 600 deca. I have run 1250 test 300 deca before.
Ok, thanks I should be more conservative on dosages, i will taper up over 4 weeks I’m thinking to 1250 test then just leave it at 300 deca. Also thinking 4iu hgh split for recovery.
If you go with 600 on deca that would be my cycle. I go all in on things i just trusted that my body would respond well to deca
i have run deca twice at 300mg worked great, and never had a problem with it. Im not sure what i will do, knowing me i will increase after 4 weeks to 450mg and see how that is then maybe 600mg.
Workout today, heavy bench and back

bench press with elbow sleeves with slight pause: 225x5, 275x3, 295x3, 315x3, 335x3
Cybex machine bench press 3 sets of 12-15 with 225
standing hammer strength rowmachine 4 sets of 3plates per side
lat pullover machine 125lbs 4 sets of 12-15 reps

Felt good today very full muscles, lots of carbs 600g on 3 training days per week, today was a lot of eating. Test is at 500mg deca raised slightly to 200mg and inj. lgd 4033 still at 30mg EOD.

Had fun moving some weight on bench press, was annoyed with deadlift from a couple of days ago. So increased my weight on bench for this week. I am growing well weighing in at 240lbs consistenly in morning and 246-248lbs before bed.
Monster leg day

475lbs x5 on squat with sleeves and belt(top set)
cambered bar good morning paused 4sets x12-15reps 245llbs
leg press 3x15 635, 675, 715

Felling good, pinned rear delts with lgd-4033, was easy. I am growing a bit getting back up to what i was before i cruised . I want to squat about 600lbs before I push the dosage on test and deca. Previous pr was 615lbs back 3 or 4 months ago.

Today I am fasting in AM and then binge eating for superbowl go BUCS
Alright its been a busy week deadlifts went good 445×6, then some abs.
Inj. Lgd4033 upped to 30mg ED. Noticing a lot of cramping so upping potassium and sodium and water to help mitigate.
Will run until end of February. I used 25mg dbol pwo on tuesday that was fun. Today is back day.
Weight is slightly up 242lbs in AM. Eating 3700 calories on rest days and 4500+ on training days.