Test prop, tren a, and gh


Well-known member
I JUST STARTED MY NEW CYCLE AFTER 2 MONTHS OFF, im currently running 100ml of test prop, 50ml of tren acetate, every other day and 4 IU of GH daily (GENEVATROPIN) I have a bottle of letrazole on hand and 22 nolvadex left over but that’s all I got on hand or ai’s can anyone recommend anything to this short 8-10 week cycle im on thanks guys

I wouldn’t go with letro, pretty harsh and you can crash estro quickly. Aromasin or Adex will be your best route. I would definitely have Caber or Prami on hand for prolactin issues if they arise. And for the Nolvadex you don’t have to run it unless your gyno prone then 10mg. a day should suffice. Now if you have a gyno flare up run Nolva at 40mgs a day for a week or 2 till gyno supresses and continue at 10mgs ED. Now be careful you can get flare ups it can be prolactin related as well so then up your caber or Prami, the way I tell the difference is if I can squeeze my nipple and a brownish ooze comes out then it’s prolactin related.
Cut your letro into quarters and use 1/4, 1-2 x per week. I’d up the tren to 50 every day and take 1 day off to give you 300 for the week
hey Kad 1 thanks , my letro’s are 2.5 mg still cut them in quarters? I did that just now and took a quarter is that all I should need for ais? and also, what if I took 75 on each shot fo tren to make it 300?