Testosterone Cyp TRT


New member
Ok so I have a prescription for testosterone 10 ml vial of Cyp 200mg a week I want my doses at 500 maybe 600mg a week but I know my doc won’t give me that lol I need a reliable source and brand of test Cyp it can only be Cyp and nothing else reason being that my employer does test for roids but I’m fine because I have a prescription for it so I’m safe as long as it Cyp now reason for this post is I see a lot of UGL names that have Cyp but I’m afraid of it being tainted with Tren,Deca, or other type of test that isn’t Cyp such as Prop or Enathate any suggestions just PM me please and thanks. P.s. I brand new here so if I violated anything apologies in advance.
True but it’s every 6 months I don’t mind jumping on a high cycle for a while only until I see what I want then back to regular TRT dose