Testosterone Undecanoate Capsules


Well-known member
I found a source that has Test U capsules at 40mg per capsules. Any way these could be legit and does anyone have experience with something similar?
Here’s an article. Like any oral, it appears this has liver toxicity. The article even mentions it cheaper via injection testosterone vice the pill. Anytime you take an oral, there are liver issues to consider. For me? This would be a no. Dosing looks like 3-4 a day for NORMAL test levels. Which means you’d have to eat 8-10 for results you’re looking for. Or use it for TRT. Either way a lot of stress on the liver. Just keep pinning. It’s the safest way.

I hadn’t considered the potential liver effects since it is a pharmaceutical product. Probably not worth it then
There’s a reason it’s not mentioned much. If they figure out the liver part then trt will explode even lore cause let’s be honest there are still people out there scared of needles.
Very true. I’m not scared of needles but would rather not inject something into my body that isn’t coming from a pharmacy
You do know what UGM stands for, right? 😂. There’s several sponsors I feel are on the pharm grade level. I’ve injected pharmacy grade test and some UGL stuff. I’ve had more problems with pharm grade than UGL
Just cause it comes from a pharma doesn’t mean it’s good the last brand of test I got prescribed to me and bought from cvs lowered my test levels to 344 on 200 mg per week and I felt like crap using ugl test now and feel good don’t think that the govt or pharmaceutical companies have all your best interests in mind
I agree with @TBU. I do TRT through a clinic. The oils I get from my sponsor here are definitely better grade.

What the hell does UGM stand for anyways. I know the M part but what about the UG. Never thought about it. I am too simple sometimes Hahahaha.
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Underground. Like underground lab. Your one of those people that needs everything spelled out for them aren’t you rusty ahhaha