Thinking about running a cycle soon.


Well-known member
I have some tri test, a few bottles of test cyp, a bunch of var and some clen. Aro, clomid, hcg and nolva all on hand.

Cutting cycle is the goal, around 15% bf now. yeah I was being a little lazy.

2700 calorie diet 230g p 170g c.

Everything looking good anyone want to critique this??

1-6 400 tri test
6-12 600 tri test
1-5 30 mg var
5-12 50 mg var

1-12 aro eod

Maybe some Clen during pct??
Gyno if it was caused by the tren it wasn’t bcz of the tren aromatizing into estro. Tren doesn’t aromatiz it does however raise your prolactin and progesterone levels and that can cause gyno flare ups and prami Or caber will treat. Just had a ND resolved this issue. I was taking 40mg nolvadex a day with no effect until I used prami.
Tren is a bitch bro and those luscious locks are on point my dude. I’m against the tren, still have three bottles, thinking of burning them as a sacrifice to the hair gods. Aggression, prolactin and general life decline is what I got from tren. Results were okay strength was amazing. Just not worth my hair or health.