Thoughts about anti estrogen during cycle and dosage sizes


Active member
Currently running 600 mg test e split into 2 shots , looking at running dbol as pwo at 25mg doses looking at running tamoxifen along with it at 25mg to keep estrogen down any thoughts and opinions on such any helps always appreciated
Is your estrogen actually high? Are you having side effects? Did you get bloodwork done?

It sounds like you maybe should have done some more research before you started a cycle. Conventional wisdom would say you already had anti-e on hand before starting your cycle.
In my original post I said I’m looking into adding dbol currently getting everything ready? Was looking for opinions from people who have ran this cycle
Without looking at blood work on cycle without the use of any form of estrogen blocker. I would suggest arimidex, split into 2 doses on non injection days.

But, also looking at this cycle i would like to offer advice to help with postive blood hormone stability to get tbe best experience.

Test ent- 300mg on monday and 300mg on thursday.

Dbol- given the dosage you are running i would split this with meal 1 and meal 6 or every 8hrs due to the half life.

Arimidex- .5mg on tuesday and .5mg on Friday.

Best of luck my friend. We are all here to help.
I think that with dbol and that level of testosterone you will want to have an AI around just incase you have some gyno issues the nolvadex can work ive used it through cycles at 10mg 2x a day without problems but a dbol cycle especially your first time I would go with an ai or try the nolvadex but atleast have some aromasin around just in case you do run into issues.
Ok @Bigmurph so if I go with aromasin from the jump what mg should I take that at? And take it every day through the cycle?

Also could you run down to me your thoughts on using dbol 25mg pwo or should I take 50mg split every 8 hours ? Thanks again Big Bro
Dbol for me is better pwo
Aromasin you shouldn’t start from the beginning it would depend upon your bloodwork. The AI that most use the whole cycle is arimidex. It can still crash your estrogen just like aromasin so you have to start with a small amount
You need to get bloodwork. Estrogen levels are just as important as Test. Crashing estrogen is no bueno let me tell you. Some people can run a cycle with no estrogen problems. And usually mega dosing is where you run into issues. At least for me. Be careful and don’t take AI because you read that you should.
Ok so Nolva does nothing for estrogen control, it directly attaches it self to the Estrogen receptors in the breast tissue. This is a wonderful drug if your battling gyno issues. Now when it comes to AI your 2 main supps are Adex and Aromasin. Stay away from Letro, very harsh and only reason to use is a week out before a shoot or stepping on stage. Aromasin is a suicidal inhibitor so the estro you basically kill, then you have Adex which in turns blocks the estrogen receptors, safer? Yes and no, you can run into estrogen rebound effects off Adex but if you tank estro it’s a much quicker recovery timeframe. Aromasin is great if you know your body and how you respond, no rebound effect, but if you tank estro you.have a much longer road to recovery. Just to throw this out there please don’t think if you tanked estro on Aromasin you can just pop some dbols or pin TNE, nope it don’t work that way, the only road to quicker recovery of tanked estro is GH my friend. Not bro science real life testamonial. Bottom line brotha get bloods done before you start popping pills left and right because the next man said so.
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Oh and one more note, are you experiencing any estro sides?? Every one reacts different, I’ve said this multiple times some guys can run grams of test with zero sides, some look at test and titties turn to B cups lol