To Be ON Or Not Be ON... That Is The Question


Staff member
To Be ON Or Not Be ON

I’m not sure if I’ve made a specific post on this or not. I know I’ve posted in threads about it. This is not aimed at any particular individual… just some of my personal thoughts and opinions.

I hope and pray that folks coming here (UGM) do NOT feel pressured into taking aas just so they can participate.

Please correct me if I’m wrong but UGM is here for our lifestyle and everything that goes along with it. Physical, mental, general things life throws at us…the good the bad and the ugly.

That includes the lead in for some that have never used before. The fact that you’re here on this site shows that you’ve got some concerns and a thirst for knowledge.

There are the virgins, some that tried aas with little to no guidance and failed, some that accidentally had success, some that started long before the internet and just learned on the fly AND got lucky-ish (me) and some folks that know exactly what they’re doing and can help others that want to be helped… and a bunch that fall into multiple categories.

The one over arching theme is HARM REDUCTION. I don’t remember the exact verbiage that was directed at me when I was getting ready to do something boneheaded…but it was something like this… there’s no such thing as a safe cycle…all of it is dangerous and the only thing we can do is mitigate the harm.

My point to all this after that long winded speech hahaha is… do not… I repeat do not feel pressured or mandated in any way to start ingesting any sort of aas so that you can participate on UGM. Ask questions… you’ll get answers… do some of your own leg work… ask more questions… please don’t get butt hurt if the answers are not as you wanted them… there’s no safe way to do this stuff, just less dangerous ways… so join in and participate even if you’re not “ON”.
@NeuroRN this is your post to me

And once you’re in the habit of life that keeps your a1C down… then look at running a cycle. At least that’s my thoughts.
You get it right every once in a while…hahaha joking joking.

I just read my whole thread on my proposed cycle.

It was all spot on advice. I reposted so some folks don’t think I’m playing high and mighty. Y’all spanked my tail pretty good… albeit gently. Hahaha
Thankfully I came here first!!!

Y’all very well probably saved my life or at the very least saved my toes… feet…vision… renal function.

For those that don’t know my history… those are all diabetes related nastys
Wait, you mean I didn’t have to start pinning myself 3x a day to talk to you ahole! Lol
JK, great post @Poppy . Good point, all of this has a degree of danger. Be smart in your choices and take all precautions to lesson the risk