Tpp npp Mast p dhb anadrol cycle dosage


Well-known member
So just a question. I’ve read lots of shit, and want to see what others with more experience think…
I am gonna run the above mentioned cycle. So the question is , is more better or less more beneficial.
Test c trt dose 200 wk never come off

Tpp npp Mast p blend 300 of each a week
Dhb 300 a week
Anadrol 50 a day
Tpp npp mast p blend 600 of each per week
Dhb 300 a week
Anadrol 100 a day

Just wondering what the difference in tpp npp mast p weekly dosage would be better higher or lower along with the higher vs lower daily anadrol.
Thank you in advance. Just been picking my brain with what I’m reading.
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Me personally with what you are showing me I would double the blend drop the DHB and cut anadrol to 50 mg per day split it up and use it Like a one or two week on/ week off split 100 mg anadrol would mess with me bp for extended periods of time Not a fan of DHB. Like the blend. But these are my personal preferences and in no way shape or form the DO ALL BE ALL. I look to make my cycles fun and comfortable to me at this point I’m assuming AI is a given
I have arimadex nolva And clomid all on hand. I love dhb . Just more of a will doubling a dosage give me that much more in the gains, is it really worth it , and I do usually do mild cycles , with the lower dosage . Thank you
Don’t second guess yourself I don’t care for high mg cycles these days either go with what you know and you like you know your body better than me. That’s only 600 mg per compound in blend per week but that’s with me cutting out the DHB all together and only half anadrol for half the time so total mg not much different think about it MINE VS URS
1800 mg per week blend
250-350 mg anadrol per week on week off
2150 max mg
900 mg blend per week
300 DHB
700 anadrol Per week 100 mg per day
1900 Max mg
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