SB Labs

Trusted Peptides sources


Forum moderator
Hey guys, I’m looking for a legit source to order some Peptides from. Specifically yk-11 and rad-140, any insight would be great. Thanks.
The place I used was through a friend. I didn’t actually place the order I went through him and he did it all for me. Sorry I can’t help more.
YK-11 is the most widely faked peptide next to ACE. Our peptides will start rolling soon and will take us a little time to build the stock. Like our hgh, we had 20 kits on hand and was going to open it up on the website but now we are down to just 4 left (saving them for me). The mail system has been VERY crappy lately so its delaying quit a few new releases.

I will try to keep everyone updated and once I have a decent amount I will go ahead and message a few people to see if they are still needing anything before I release it.