Weight lifting routines

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Well-known member
What is everyone go to weekly workout routine! I’m in need of something new.
If you have a sheet or a pic that would be awesome. I’ve been using the built ready app but really need help!
I use RP Physique template. And I’ve used their oly strength and hypertrophy programming. I think my results show their programming works.
I’m doing power building right now my split is chest, back with leg work, arm day. Off , shoulders, leg day, off or more bicep rear delt work if I feel good
I do just a generic push/pull/legs split, pretty much all routines for them are similar online. I go through the split twice a week and take sundays off. Do 20 min low intensity cardio after weights.
I was doing that but got stagnant so changed it up. My next cycle I’m not going to worry about loos
As much as pure raw strength so will be doing a power lifting only split.
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