What do I have to do to control high estrogen


Well-known member
Me and my brother have both been on the same test e cycle. We are starting week 10 today and have both had estrogen tests done with identical results, maybe it’s because we are identical twins. The first results showed 215, then we started taking .5mg adex twice a week to see if that would lower it. A few weeks later we ran another test and it dropped to 194. The .5 dosage was obviously not effective so we upped it to 1mg twice a week. After having been on 1mg for a few weeks now our most recent test came back with estro levels at 184. The adex isn’t doing a damn thing to control the high estrogen and we do not know what to do at this point. Should we increase the dosage again, switch sponsors and try their adex, or get rid of the adex and try a different AI?
Yeah I second what swole says, I’d take aromasin twice a week and get another estro test and see where your at. Armidex is an estrogen blocker, aromasin is a suicide AI that will bind to the estrogen and destroy it. You really want to be careful. I’m glad you guys are doing blood work. I’m sure if you holler at CENSORED he’ll have some good professional suggestions and input.

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Well looks like I’ll just toss the adex, no point in taking pills if it isn’t doing anything. I’ll try the Aromasin and my bro already has adex on hand from a different sponsor and will give that a go. If that adex works for him it means both of our adex batches were bunk.

What should be the dosage I try the 12.5 l a day or twice a week? This first cycle really has just been all trial and error and learning what we respond to to make adjustments for future cycles. I hope it’s worth it in the long run cause as of right now I have dropped hundreds of dollars, get stabbed frequently, and have carried high estro and it’s sides for 9 weeks and look worse now than what I did before I started cycle.
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Yeah I got a bottle of Adex from CENSORED so I’ll run that for a few weeks and do bloods. Gonna go back down to .5 2x a week and if it drops my estro then that means the adex I got from the other sponsor was complete crap.

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You are in good hands with CENSORED I have his Adex also and I’m doing .25mg a week and feel great on the estro side no cying and not wanting things to enter me! Lol
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Great, hope it works then man. Tired of being 180+ E probably explains all the fat gain/cant lose weight… lol. Just need to hurry up and figure out what works that way next cycle don’t gotta blow over 600$ on bs bloods and crap that ain’t necessary lol
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Hahahah for sure. I wonder how high your E has to actually be before you start growing bitch tits?? Apparently I’ve been walking around with massive amounts of E and haven’t noticed or felt anything in my tits yet 😂😂
Anything above 120-140 is cause for concern. You might also consider getting ahold of some tamoxifen and either switch to that or take in tandem with your others. 20mg a day to get started and at least you can ensure you won’t get gyno even if we can’t get your e2 numbers lower
Me and my brother were taking .5 adex after the 214 estrogen result. 3 weeks later it was at 195. We upped the dose to 1mg twice a week and after 3 weeks it was at 184. I am currently working this out with the sponsor as this is two separate orders of adex from the same sponsor and me and my bro both have bloods proving it has not dropped estro levels.
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