What should I run second cycle


Bulk Tablets Rep - 500 lb Bench 700 lb squat club.
I will have test e deca eq and dbol as injectables and anadrol and superdrol as orals what would be the best combination for a hypertrophic program.
I’m running Test,Eq, and Dbol at the moment. Just started the Dbol yesterday. I’m loving it already. Second week back in the gym and my numbers are already back to before Covid. Some of my numbers are higher already. I’ve got veins popping up everywhere. Crazy thing is it’s just my second week with this Megabol.
That is a good stack eq is my favorite steroid love the veins dbol kick start bout time you come off it water weight drops eq starts kicking I guess tren is the king these days but fuck insomnia and night sweats back in the day it was always deca test dbol gonna prob run npp in near future from a sponser here only ran it once years ago with some peptides and my appetite got out of control always wondered about primo but the rate of fakes and price always deterred me so eq poor mans primo 😀?
Thats way over the top fir a second cycle. Get your bloods to prove youre doing it right and at most provi 50mg ed from week 4 til pct.

Whats your stats? Diet? Goals?

Big cycle wont do much if its not needed
I’m not running it all on one cycle. I want a test plus one compound for duration with a kick off. I mainly do strength training currently. But thinking of switching things up to get more aesthetic.
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