What to expect after anadrol

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What’s up guys running test/dec/aDrol at

I just bumped the drop up recently just to see how I react to it I’ve been feeling fine on 50 a day. I have Two questions. What side affects should I look out for to either cut back to 50 or cut off in general? Lastly after I’m done with the anadrol but still on the test and deca will I lose strength and size? Or will the test and deca keep it going for me?
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That’s alot of anadrol to be taking and yes after your cycle you will see a loss of weight and size due to water retention going away but what you earned in the gym will stay especially if you run a good diet and train hard.
You shouldn’t need more than 50mg of adrol a day its highly toxic the side effects will be jaundice and once that happens your already in a really bad place I would stick with 50.
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You can run 100 im not sure who its from you might have something not as strong as what it should be does it raise your blood pressure?
The ones I have are like chalk. I just bite half in the morning. Do they stay pretty consistent at 25/25 that way?
At 100mg a day I would definitely keep an eye out for blood pressure issues! That’s a shit load of drol! Mine would be jacked lol! You’ll lose strength and size likely. Also drol is pretty hard on your liver, and raises cholesterol significantly. Water retention can be pretty high as well! It’s a really strong compound I would drop it back down to 50 if I were you.
Yeah thats not a verified sponsor so honestly no way to tell if its even adrol unless you run a roidtest but that won’t give you the actual dosage just if its bunk or actually has hormone in it at all.
Well the person I got it from is a close family friend. Everyone around here goes to him and anyone that does is fucking jacked. The test I get is labeled testiviron depot and that’s pretty much the purest you can get im pretty sure.
I’m planning on running anadrol on my next cycle, but I got it in injection form, will that help stave off some of the issues with it? I plan on just running 50 and pinning about 1 hour before lifting.
Is that really what you believe I understand that its family but to be honest did he have it tested have you ever seen any labwork on this lab?
Im not trying to be a dick im just letting you know that anyone can print a label and I don’t know the lab if its good than great but mo just because it says testoviron depot does not mean its pure or anything testoviron depot is the brand name that Bayer pharmaceuticals uses in certain countries.
Im big on harm reduction and I wouldn’t put anything in my body that hasn’t been tested.
No I mean I completely agree with you which is why I’m here, to learn and hypothetically find better ways to obtain certain things that have been tested. I may or may not have a care package from Dutch coming.
Yeah there are multiple ugl labs out there its difficult to know what’s what but there are labs that have multiple testing done on the products and I would always reccomend testing.
But to answer your question about the testing and blood work I can’t answer that. What I do know is that all the competitors around here use him, my pops actually runs a power lifting team. And they all have extremely good results with it but that is the one thing that really caught my attention on certain threads here is people posting blood work, you can’t get any more proof than that.
That’s great though if multiple people are using and seeing results then atleast for sure it isn’t bunk.
When you run it are you planning on getting bloodwork done?
Roidtest just came out with new home test kits ugmuscle members get a discount with code UGMUSCLE. You can check that out and that will then show you atleast how his testosterone enanthate is depending upon the level that comes back.
No doubt brother if you have questions ask sorry I got a little off track because I was worried about the gear. Like I was saying top priority is harm reduction.
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