Yearly physical and bloods


Had bloods done the other day. Total test was over 1500 ng/dl, on 200 mg test e a week, doctor wants me to switch back to my pharm test c and drop to 125 mg/wk. PSA which has been an issue in the past was low, which is good. A1C is 5.1%, which is normal, but with a history of diabetes in my family I think I maybe want it a little lower, and HGB/HCT were both high, not too high, but outside the normal range. Weight was 230, and doctor said I’m obese by BMI standards, which forced me to respond with “I know I’m fat! I like food!”

Need to make a few changes to my diet and up my cardio, then I need to figure out why the hell all my joints except my fake hip and my good hip hurt… I.e. elbows, shoulders, knees, wrists and ankles
A1c is great!!! Maybe getting those few unwanted pounds off will help lower it.

Good on you for keeping an eye on it and especially your psa!!

I read somewhere years ago that omega 3 will help joints. I’ve been getting in 4 grams a day of quality supplements and it has helped. I was on 3 and that helped tremendously now I’m experimenting with 4 grams to see if it’s better or just diminishing returns.
I also agree with @NeuroRN … bmi is out the window for those of us…you… that lift. I’m like 30 pounds over the governments “standards”.
On my labs <6.5 is normal adults. I think your a1c is good brother. BUT like you said…it’s in the family so keeping an eye on it is perfect.

Much respect brother.
I know BMI is BS. But no matter what it’s fun to hear a skinny doctor tell me I’m obese. I also think had I not taken a shot Sunday evening, my test wouldn’t have been as high. I had stroke detection done last week, everything came back nice and clear on that for my arteries.
They ultrasound a handful of spots to listen to veins/arteries to see whether they’re clogged or still wide open throttle… the last 3 or 4 years they tell me I’m still clean like I’m in my 20’s, which for a guy who survives off of a lot of red meat and smoked pork and bacon, can’t be a bad thing
I’ve been tested for Lymes several times, always comes back negative. Rheumatoid wouldn’t surprise me as my dads side of the family is riddled with arthritis and I’ve already had a hip replaced due to osteoarthritis. I’ll have to ask my doctor about that.

Hgb was 18.1 g/dl and Hct was 53.4%